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Board Profiles are being updated and translated. Please refer to Appointments for updated board appointment since October 2023.
Step 1: Fill out the application/nomination form. This fillable PDF form will allow you to complete the form and save it on your computer.
Step 2: Once you’ve completed and saved the form, e-mail it and your resume (if submitting) to the Agencies, Boards and Commissions Office at agenbrdcom@gov.mb.ca
If you prefer to mail your completed form please print it and send to: Agencies, Boards and Commissions; Mezzanine Floor, Z01 - 155 Carlton, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3H8; (Phone) 204-945-2959
Applications/nominations will remain on file for two years. After two years a new application/nomination will be required.
Application/Nomination Form PDF, 97.4 KB
The Agencies, Boards and Commissions Office collects personal information from your Application/Nomination Form and your resume. This information will be used by the following: a committee of Cabinet Ministers and Government MLAs that reviews appointments; Cabinet Minister’s considering appointments; board Chairs and government employees, as required by the agencies, boards and commissions process and in order to make appointments to various agencies, boards and commissions. This information will not be used or disclosed except as required for the above noted purpose and is protected by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. You may direct any questions about the collection or use of your personal information to the Access and Privacy Coordinator at 204-945-3025.