Protective Orders
If you feel you are in danger because of someone who has committed a crime against you, or you have reason to believe someone will commit a crime against you in the immediate future, there are legal options available to you, such as protective orders. Protective orders are court orders, and include protection orders (often called restraining orders), peace bonds and prevention orders. While it is important to remember that a court order cannot guarantee your safety, these orders can be a helpful part of a safety plan if you are in danger.
To learn more about the dynamics of abuse, visit the Manitoba government’s Stop the Violence Website.
Protection Orders
If you are a victim of domestic violence or stalking, and are urgently in need of protection for yourself and/or your children, you can apply for a protection order without notifying the person you need protection from. There is no fee to apply for a protection order. Please visit the Protection Orders page for information about protection orders and the application process.for information about protection orders and the application process.
Prevention Orders
A prevention order is another type of court order that can help victims of domestic violence or stalking. Prevention orders can include more conditions on the subject (the person you are seeking protection from, also called the respondent) than a protection order, but take longer to be put in place and generally involve legal costs. Find more information on the Prevention Orders page.
Peace Bonds
A peace bond is a court order that can be issued by a judge when you fear personal injury to yourself, your partner or your children, or damage to your property. Peace bonds can help protect the victims of crimes such as domestic violence, sexual violence, stalking and Non-Consensual Distribution of Intimate Images.