House Index - 2nd Session - 43rd Legislature
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Kennedy, Hon. Nellie (Assiniboia) NDP
Heritage projects
Funding, 99
Lorette, Manitoba
New community complex, 100
Manitoba Arts Council
Funding announcement, 162-163
Members' statements
Singh Sabha Gurdwara, 317
Oral Questions
Independent heritage projects
Government funding inquiry, 99
Manitoba Arts Council
Funding announcement, 162-163
New community complex in Lorette
Construction Announcement, 100
Singh Sabha Gurdwara
Members' statements, 317
Carbon tax and rising food prices, 355
Medical assistance in dying, 201, 238-239, 332
Kinew, Hon. Wab (Fort Rouge) NDP
An Act respecting the Administration of Oaths of Office (Bill 1)
1 R, 7
Brandon Regional Health Centre
ER staffing levels, 58
Cost of living
Plan to address, request for, 392-393
Department of Families
Workplace review report, 393-395
Education system
Federal funding, 262-263
Green Valley School
Expansion project, cancellation of, 232
Grocery price inflation
Government reduction record, 92-93
Hanover School Division
Education assistant layoffs, 230-232
Health Sciences Centre
Bed capacity levels
Impact of cancelled surgeries, 157-158
Emergency room services, 18-19
Staff safety concerns, 94-95
Justice system reform
AMM recommendations, 164-165
MRI services
Portage la Prairie, 400
Grants and programs, 192-193
Policing costs, 191-192
North End Sewage Treatment Plant
Funding commitment, 16-17, 55-56
Funding commitment inquiry, 55-56
Throne speech funding commitment, 16-17
Oral Questions
Bed capacity levels at HSC
Impact of cancelled surgeries, 157-158
Brandon hospital ER staffing levels
Request for government to address, 58
Cost of living in Manitoba
Request for plan to address, 392-393
Department of Families
Workplace review report, 393-395
Education system
Federal funding, 262-263
Establishment of Washington Trade Office
Criteria for selecting trade representative, 344-345
Grace and Brandon hospitals
Emergency room services, 18-19
Green Valley School
Cancellation of expansion project, 232
Grocery price inflation
Government record to reduce, 92-93
Hanover School Division
Education assistant layoffs, 230-232
Hospitals across Manitoba
Staff safety concerns, 94-95
Justice system reform
AMM recommendations, 164-165
Municipal grants and programs
Funding commitment inquiry, 192-193
Municipal policing costs
Government intention, 191-192
North end sewage treatment plant
Throne speech funding commitment, 16-17
North end sewage treatment project
Funding commitment inquiry, 55-56
Portage la Prairie
MRI services, 400
Prairie Green landfill search
Progress update, 269
Premier of Manitoba
Communication with ministers, 345-346
Rural crime rate in western Manitoba, 270
Supervised consumption site plan
Public consultations for Point Douglas, 156-157
Throne Speech--western Manitoba
Government support concerns, 328
Trade in Manitoba
Government initiatives, 350
Violent crime incident
Justice system concerns, 263-264
Violent crime, addictions and mental health
Request to address public safety, 228-230
Point Douglas
Supervised consumption site
Public consultations, 156-157
Cost for municipalities, 191-192
Portage la Prairie
MRI services, 400
Prairie Green landfill search
Progress update, 269
Premier of Manitoba
Communication with ministers, 345-346
Rural, Manitoba
Rates of, western Manitoba, 270
Supervised consumption site
Public consultations--Point Douglas, 156-157
Throne Speech
Debate, 252-253
North End Sewage Treatment Plant, 16-17
Throne Speech--western Manitoba
Government support concerns, 328
Government initiatives, 350
Washington Trade Office, establishment
Criteria for selecting trade representative, 344-345
Violent crime
Justice system concerns, 263-264
Public safety concerns, 228-230
Highway 227
Status of paving project, 99
Members' statements
Government's fiscal management record, 259-260
Procter, Paige, 190
Ministerial statements
Municipal Government Awareness Week, 89-90
Municipal Government Awareness Week, 89-90
Grants and programs, 192-193
North End Water Treatment Plant
Funding commitment, 236
One Manitoba Growth Revenue Fund, 161-162
Oral Questions
Municipal grants and programs
Funding commitment inquiry, 192-193
North End Water Treatment Plant project
Funding commitment request, 236
One Manitoba Growth Revenue Fund
Municipal funding concerns, 161-162
Breast screening, 66-67, 105, 168
Removal of federal carbon tax, 409-410
Teacher certification, 203-204, 272-273
Teaching certification, 336-337, 361
Procter, Paige
Members' statements, 190
Throne Speech
Debate, 181-184
Kostyshyn, Hon. Ron (Dauphin) NDP
Agriculture industry
US tariffs on, 193-194, 269-270
Dauphin RIDE Program
Members' statements
Dauphin RIDE Program, 341-342
Agriculture, US tariffs on, 193-194
Holodomor Memorial Day, 87-88
Members' statements
Dauphin RIDE Program, 341-342
Ministerial statements
Holodomor Memorial Day, 87-88
Oral Questions
Manitoba trade with the US
Agriculture industry tariff concerns, 163-164
US tariffs and the carbon tax
Impact on the agriculture industry, 269-270
US tariffs on agriculture producers
Impact on Manitoba economy, 193-194
US tariffs and the carbon tax
Impact on the agriculture industry, 269-270
US tariff concerns, 163-164
US tariffs on agriculture, 193-194