Horticulture School  

The Horticulture School is presented by Manitoba Agriculture, Agriculture Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) - Portage and Assiniboine Community College (ACC).  The school provides horticulture producers with learning opportunities to improve yield and quality of their crops.  If you are a market gardener, vegetable &/or fruit producer, or have an interest in horticulture production please join us at the school.
Next in person Horticulture School is August, 2025. Further details coming.
The following are the focus areas of the school:
  • Pathology - Conventional and non-conventional disease management.
  • Fruit - Production information and updates
  • Vegetable - Production information and updates, sweet potato production, storage issues
  • Entomology - Early season pests - cutworms, flea beetles, diamondback moth, grasshoppers
  • Soils - Soil fertility planning
  • Weeds - Recognizing drift, systemic vs contact herbicides, post harvest weed control
  • Certified Crop Advisor credits are available for participants.

Upcoming Horticulture Webinars 

Introduction to Commercial Strawberry Production. March 4, 2025. Details & registration.

High Tunnel Design, Crop Production & Operation. March 11 & 18, 2025. Details & registration.

Identification & Management of Vegetable Diseases. March 25, 2025. Details & registration.  

Early Detection of Onion Neck Rot in Manitoba. April 1, 2025. Details & registration.

Past Horticulture Webinars

Horticulture Webinar Series - Summer 2021 Playlist

Horticulture Webinar Series - March 2021

Pumpkin/Squash Production

Hydroponic Vegetable Production

Passive Solar Greenhouses

Sweet Corn Production - Part 2

Sweet Corn Production - Part 1

Horticulture Webinar Series - Summer 2020

Topics: Profitability during Corona virus, fruit crop summary, grasshopper control
Topics: Nutrient uptake & removal, soil sampling
Topics: Vegetable update, vegetable crop diseases & management
Topics: Fruit update, fruit crop diseases & management
Topic: Sweet potato production
Topics: Spray drift, cruciferous pests on vegetables



High Tunnel Entrance 

                      fertility presentation      plant pathologist