Guides and Publications
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Northern Healthy Food Initiatives Publication Series
Serial Publications
Agricultural Climate of Manitoba
![Agricultural Climate of Manitoba](/agriculture/crops/guides-and-publications/images/gaa01d26.jpg)
This publication is a reference tool for agricultural producers and agribusiness. Using a series of maps, it describes the agricultural climate of Manitoba, based on the climate in the region over a 60-year period (1929 to 1988).
Climatic Information for Potatoes in Manitoba
Corn Production in Manitoba
The Corn Production in Manitoba manual has been updated! This 67-page booklet covers basic agronomic information for corn production in Manitoba. The main sections in the manual include how a corn plant grows, choosing a corn hybrid, soil nutrition and fertilizers, seed bed preparation, weed control, diseases and disorders of corn, insects in corn, troubleshooting, harvesting and storage of grain corn, corn stover and silage production, marketing grain corn, new uses for corn, and cost of corn production. This revised edition also includes full-colour photos to help in identifying problems that may affect corn crops.
Pages: 67 |
Price: depends on quantity required |
Available from: Manitoba Crop Alliance Phone: 204-745-6661 |
Guide to Crop Protection 2024
The Guide to Field Crop Protection 2024 provides information on the use of herbicides, fungicides and insecticides for control of weeds, plant diseases and insects. This publication is only a guide. Always refer to the product label for application details and precautions.
Land Use Planning for Livestock Development
Recent changes to The Planning Act will influence the direction of agricultural development in Manitoba, especially development of the livestock industry. This four-page fact sheet highlights some of the changes in The Planning Act and outlines how you can represent agriculture during development of local land use plans.
The role of government and producer roles are outlined in this fact sheet. Specific topics include:
- Livestock Operation Policy
- Conditional Use and Technical Review
- Non-Conforming Use or Building
- Variances
- Transition Period
See also Land Use Planning for Agriculture
Producing the World's Finest Hay Products: Manitoba, Canada
Manitoba - the Heart of North American Hay Production
Discover Manitoba, the province in the centre of Canada with seven million hectares of prime, prairie agricultural land. Our clean air, abundant fresh water and fertile soil are used to produce the most lush, high quality hay in the world.
Manitoba's northern climate provides ideal conditions for exceptional hay production. Summer days see 17 hours of sunshine. The combination of long, warm days and cool, summer nights provides the perfect growing conditions for sweeter, more palatable forage. Manitoba's short growing season and cold winters allow forage production without pesticides or chemicals. It's the perfect source for quality hay that's free of insects and impurities.
The Manitoba Soil Fertility Guide
The Manitoba Soil Fertility Guide (revised March 2007) is a 74-page booklet that provides comprehensive information on soil fertility recommendations for Manitoba.The purpose of this guide is to provide an overview of soil fertility practices in Manitoba and general fertilizer use considerations.
Safeguard Your Supply of Anhydrous Ammonia: Help prevent crystal meth production
Soil Management Guide
![Soil Management Guide](/agriculture/crops/guides-and-publications/images/gaa01d44.jpg)
This guide focuses on three principles:
- Keeping the soil in place by reducing tillage practices
- Maintaining or improving soil quality parameters, such as organic matter, bulk density, earthworms and desirable soil structure
- Managing and protecting water supplies
Featured Chapters
- Understanding the Soil Landscapes in Manitoba
- Using Soil Survey Information
- Water Use and Moisture Management
- Nutrient Management
- Soil Salinity
- Drainage Management
- Soil Erosion Tillage, Organic Matter and Crop Residue Management
- Soil Compaction
- Soils Information for Planning Purposes
- Greenhouse Gases in Agriculture
- Other Applications of Soils Information
- Summary
- References
- Glossary
- Appendices
Urban Guide to Weed Control
Weed Control for Non-Crop Areas
Weed Control in Landscape and Turf Areas
Correct weed identification is crucial when choosing in-crop herbicide options.This guide is unique by offering weed identification early in the season when it is more difficult to tell small seedlings apart.The Weed Seedling Identification Guide is handy to have early in the year to make timely decisions on herbicide choices based on which weeds are present.
This guide features 58 photographs and descriptions of broadleaf and grassy weed seedlings common to Manitoba. Broadleaf weeds are grouped according to cotyledon shape and a description of true leaves and other plant characteristics is included.Information is provided on identifying features such as auricles and ligules on grassy weeds.
Serial Publications
Seed Manitoba
This annual guide is compliments of Manitoba Agriculture, Manitoba Seed Grower's Association and the Manitoba Co-operator. Seed Manitoba is an unbiased source of information on how seed varieties performed in trials under a variety of soil and weather conditions. The data was collected from several sites across Manitoba. New varieties are listed along with characteristics of all varieties tested. This easy-to-follow guide also includes a list of seed vendors in Manitoba.
Yield Manitoba
Yield Manitoba is an annual publication of the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC).
The publication features yield information by crop variety as well as agroclimatic maps and a variety of other statistical information.
Topics include
- MASC Risk Area Map
- Variety Yield Tables
- Agroclimatic Maps
- Percent of Normal Accumulation of Corn Heat Units
- Total Accumulation of Corn Heat Units
- Normal Accumulation of Corn Heat Units
- Percent of Normal Accumulation of Growing Degree Days
- Total Accumulation of Growing Degree Days
- Normal Accumulation of Growing Degree Days
- Percent of Normal Accumulation of Precipitation
- Total Accumulation of Precipitation
- Normal Accumulation of Precipitation
- Weather Stations Used for the Maps
Commercial Strawberry Production on the Prairies
This book provides information about how to start and maintain a commercial strawberry planting, what cultivars are available, what equipment is needed and what food safety guidelines have to be implemented. Colour photos show the common diseases and pests that could affect your commercial strawberry crop. An extensive resource section points you to a wealth of information about strawberry production.
Fruit Crop Insect Guide
This full-colour, spiral-bound booklet serves as a means to identify the majority of pests that affect small fruit crops including strawberry, raspberry, saskatoon and chokecherry. Some of the pests are specific to the Canadian Prairies but many of the pests included are found across North America. Identification of pest insects is aided by excellent pictures. Relevant text information includes life cycles, host plants, economic thresholds and more.
Pages: 54 |
Price: PFGA Members - $10 Non-Members - $12 (Prices include tax and shipping) Make cheque payable to Prairie Fruit Growers Association |
Available on request