Compost Site Selection
According to the Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management Regulation:
15.1(1) No person shall compost livestock mortalities on the property of an agricultural operation unless
- The composting site is located at least 100m from
- Any surface watercourse, sinkhole, spring or well, and
- The operation's boundaries
- The mortalities are composted in a manner that does not cause pollution of surface water, groundwater or soil; and
- The composting facilities and process are acceptable to the director
Other Considerations
- Site selection
- Size
- All weather access road
- Traffic patterns
- Equipment
- Utility
- Bulking agent/cover material (storage and availability)
- Surface and groundwater protection (site should be located on compacted soil or impervious surface)
- Future expansion
- Aesthetics
- Wind direction
Site Selection based on Water Sources
Move your cursor over the red triangles to see if you would meet the required setbacks.
Site Selection based on Property Boundary
Move your cursor over the red triangles to see if you would meet the required setbacks.