The Victims’ Bill of Rights
Manitoba Justice offers information, assistance and support to victims of the most serious crimes.
What is The Victims’ Bill of Rights?
The Victims’ Bill of Rights recognizes that crime victims:
- have needs and concerns that deserve consideration
- should be treated with courtesy, compassion and respect
- should have access to appropriate protection and help
- should receive information on the investigation, prosecution and outcome of offence(s)
Read The Victims’ Bill of Rights.
Victim services workers:
- provide information about the justice system and community resources
- advise victims of their options, rights and responsibilities
- provide information about the prosecution and results of the case against the accused
- provide court support and information, when possible
What are some of the rights that may be requested under The Victims’ Bill of Rights?
At each stage of the justice process, you can choose the rights you want to use.
The role of law enforcement agencies
As a crime victim, your first point of contact with the justice system is likely to be a police officer. In Manitoba, this would include RCMP, Winnipeg or Brandon Police Service and municipal police.
Under The Victims’ Bill of Rights, when meeting with police, you have the right to:
- give an opinion on alternative/extrajudicial measures and release
- be interviewed by an officer of the same gender in a sexual offence
- have personal details about you kept confidential
- information about the investigation
- information about an offender’s escape from police custody
- have your property returned when it is no longer needed as part of an investigation
- information about the Manitoba Prosecution Service
Learn more about law enforcement’s role.
The role of the Manitoba Prosecution Service
When someone is charged with a crime, a Crown attorney in the Manitoba Prosecution Service is responsible for dealing with the case. The Crown attorney must be fair to all parties in the case, including victims, witnesses and the accused. The Crown attorney is not your lawyer, but will take into account your concerns. As a victim, you have the right to:
- information about the status of the prosecution
- have your views on the prosecution seriously considered
- have the Crown request restitution
- information about Manitoba Corrections
Learn more about Prosecutions’ role.
The role of the courts
Criminal cases are presented in court. The courts include the physical place where cases are heard and the people who work there, such as the judges, clerks and sheriffs. If your case is presented in court, you have the following rights:
- access to court proceedings
- information about the date, time and place of a court proceeding
Learn more about the courts’ role
The role of Manitoba Corrections
Manitoba Corrections is responsible for sentenced and unsentenced offenders. If the offender in your case is sentenced and will be handled by the provincial system, you have the right to ask for information, such as:
- whether a person is under supervision, or in custody, and the name and location of the jail or supervising office
- how to add your comments to a pre-sentencing report
- estimated dates of release from custody and the dates of temporary absences or other types of release, along with their terms and conditions
- notification of an offender’s escape, being unlawfully at large and recapture
- warning of an offender’s possible threat to your safety and security
Learn more about Corrections’ role.
How do I register for my rights?
For more information about registration and registration forms, ask your local police agency or a victim services worker.
For more information about eligible crimes and legal terms, read about The Victims’ Bill of Rights.
Other rights and services for victims of crime
Going through the justice process can take time away from work. Victims of serious crimes have rights outside of the justice system. This includes specific rights from your employers, such as being given time off work to:
- testify
- present a victim impact statement to the court
- observe any sentencing of the accused
To learn more about rights and services for victims of crime, contact Victim Services at:
1410 – 405 Broadway
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3L6
By phone at 204-945-6851 in Winnipeg or
1-866-4VICTIM (1-866-484-2846) toll free, outside of Winnipeg